ホーム|書籍のご案内|Economic Analysis of Telecommunications, Technology, and Cities in Japan
1 Introduction
1.1 Changes Under the IT Revolution,
1.2 Productivity Paradox,
1.3 Accumulation Paradox,
1.4 Increasing Role of Cities under the Knowledge Economy,
1.5 Face-to-Face Interaction Enhanced by IT,
1.6 Implications to Cities, References
2 Communication Technology and Cities
2.1 Introduction,
2.2 Communication Technology,
2.3 The Models,
2.4 Empirical Evidence,
2.5 Conclusion,
Appendix 2A: Derivation of Demand Function,
Appendix 2B: Data Summary,
Appendix 2C: Density Index, References)
3 Telecommunications and Transportation
3.1 Introduction, 3.2 The Model,
3.3 The Data,
3.4 Empirical Results,
3.5 Conclusion,
Appendix 3A: Data Summary,
Appendix 3B: FGLS Estimation of the Two-way Random Effects Model, References
4 Deregulation and Productive Efficiency in the Telephone Industry
4.1 Introduction,
4.2 The Telephone Industry in Japan After the Liberalization,
4.3 Analytical Framework,
4.4 The Construction of Data,
4.5 Empirical Results,
4.6 Conclusion,
Appendix 4A: Data Summary, References)
今川拓郎(いまがわ たくお)
1990年 東京大学大学院総合文化研究科広域科学専攻修士課程修了
1990年 郵政省郵政研究所通信経済研究部研究官
1997年 米国ハーバード大学経済学部博士課程(Ph,D)
現 在 大阪大学大学院国際公共政策研究科助教授
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